ICD- 11 Traditional Medicine Beta Review Meeting –Kandy Sri Lanka 6-8 December 2023

The review Meeting of the International Classification of Disease-11-Traditional Medicine Module 2 Beta version was held from 6th to 8th December 2023 at Mahawalli Reach Hotel in Kandy, Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Department of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. The meeting was to the discuss ICD 11 Beta version and was finalized by the Classifications & Terminologies, WHO HQ.
This meeting was guided by Dr. Robert Jakob, Unit Lead, Classifications & Terminologies, WHO HQ, and Stéphane Espinosa and Nenad Kostanjsek from WHO HQ, Geneva. Furthermore, 41 delegates from various countries across the globe’s six regions participated in the gathering.
Dr. P.G. Maheepala, Secretary of Health, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka was the chief guest of the inauguration session and he elaborately highlighted the importance of a holistic approach to health and well-being. Dr. Shalala Ahmadova, Public Health Administrator, represented the WHO Country Office in Sri Lanka, and Mr. Chandana Thilakarathna, Additional Secretary of Development, represented the Indigenous sector, Ministry of Health.
Moreover, Dr. Dammika Abeygunawardena, Commissioner General of Ayurveda, Prof. S.P Molligoda, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, the University of Colombo, and Dr. M.S. Sajeewane Perera, Lecturer, National Institute of Traditional Medicine, participated as representatives of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka actively participated and contributed to the advancement of the Beta version of the international classification of disease. Sri Lanka the host country of this review meeting was a milestone of the traditional Medicine sector and served, to highlight the country’s integral role in the Traditional medicine landscape and foster further progress in the ongoing implementation of ICD 11 in Sri Lanka.