The conference of provincial commissioners of Ayurveda department was held yesterday

The Provincial Ayurveda Commissioners Conference is meeting for the second time this year
In relation to the year 2024, Ayurveda Department representing the Indigenous Medicine sector of the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Ayurvedic Departments were merged and with the participation of its chief administrative officers, a bath was held on 11.09.2024 at the National Institute of traditional   Medicine.
There, Additional Secretary admin  of indigenous Medicine, Additional Secretary Development, Ayurveda Commissioner General, Deputy Ayurveda Commissioner, Provincial Ayurveda Commissioners, Assistant / Deputy Ayurveda Commissioners. Director - Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute, Director National Institute of traditional  Medicine, 
Director Development - Indigenous Medicine sector, Registrar - Ayurvedic medical  Council, Registrar - Examinations,
Community Health Supervising Medical Officers, and each paraplegic officer of the Ayurvedic Department participated.
There, mainly the system integration method, hospital development problems, problems related to the community health sector, problems related to the information system and future development plans related to the year 2025 were widely discussed.
Many important decisions related to the local medical field were reached there.

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