Our Objectives

  1. The provision of-
    ( i ) establishments and services
    necessary for the treatment of
    diseases; and
    (ii) the primary health care, according to Ayurveda;

2. The encouragement of the study of, and
research in, Ayurveda by the grant of
scholarships and other facilities to persons
employed or proposed to be employed in
the Department and by the grant of
financial aid and other assistance to
institutions providing courses of study or
engaged in research in Ayurveda;

3. The taking, development or encouragement
of measures for the investigation of
diseases, and for the improvement of
public health, according to Ayurveda;

4. The management of any herbarium
established under section 8;

5.The provision for the wellbeing of people
by creating and maintaining orderly and
efficient practices of Ayurveda medicine
and surgery;

6. The assurance of high professional
standards by regulating performance and
activities of registered Ayurveda
professionals; and

7. the provision of quality Ayurveda articles,
substances, and drugs and the management
of any Herbal Gardens for Research and
Extension or herbal cultivation by
implementing provisions of the Code
referred to in section 77, by the
Department or through any Body
established under Part VI of the Act for
that purpose.”.

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